• on May 29, 2020

Guidelines for Reopening of Mass At St. Peter Pavilion Chapel

Welcome back to the public celebration of the Holy Eucharist at St. Peter’s Pavilion Church.  We give thanks that we are able to join once again as the Body of Christ for communal worship.  As you know, these are not normal times and there will be new ways of doing things as we come together for Mass. Every effort is being made to protect you and your loved ones and to respect the sanctity of our liturgical traditions.

We ask that you and your family faithfully adhere to all guidelines put in place for your protection and for all those who gather.  Though we face challenging times, we can rest in the comfort and peace that only Christ can give us through the celebration of the Mass as one family.

General Norms
The parish will follow the orders of the county health authorities and the directives of the Archdiocese of Miami.

  1. The number of persons allowed to participate at Mass in the Pavilion is from 55 to 110 people (depending on single or double seating) to ensure that the six-foot social distancing may be observed. On-line reservations for Mass may be offered in the future to help with over-flow.
  2. Ushers will seat the allowed number of persons in the Pavilion. Once capacity is reached, others may hear Mass via video or live stream in their cars (utilizing their own internet access). Holy Communion will be distributed to those in the parking area.
  3.  The Pavilion Chapel will be used for all Masses. Weekend Masses are on the regular schedule and daily Mass is at 9:00 am.
  4. The public restrooms will be available for emergency or urgent use only.
  5. The Parish cleaning teams will be sanitizing pews, entrances, restrooms, and all other facilities before and after Mass.
  6. Due to our “tent” situation, the Pavilion will be closed after the celebration of daily and weekend Masses and will not be available for personal prayer.
  7. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is now available with our new plexiglass confessional in the Pavilion.


 Guidelines for the Assembly

  • It is suggested you use your best judgment as it relates to your attending public Mass, considering your health risk. Dispensation for the faithful is still in effect and if you are at risk, you may continue to watch Mass on-line or on television. You may also attend daily Mass in lieu of Sunday, when there is normally less people in attendance.
  • If you are sick, have flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms, stay at home. If you are frail because of age or vulnerable because of an underlying condition, or you are a caretaker of someone who is, it might be reasonable for you to stay home. If you are fearful, stay home.
  • Parents should seriously consider leaving young children at home due to reported COVID-19 complications for some. Masks are required for the duration of the Mass for any children over the age of 2. There will be no free space available to roam or move about.
  • Everyone is required to bring their own mask and wear it correctly for the duration of the Mass. The Usher will check that everyone is wearing one upon entry. Thoroughly wash your hands before Mass and bring sanitizer with you for use during Mass.
  • You are required to maintain six feet of distance at all times with others attending Mass. The Usher will direct you upon entry, exit and during Communion. Please listen and comply respectfully to the Usher’s requests. They are serving for your protection.
  • There will be no missals or handouts; however, an abbreviated version of the Bulletin will be at the exits for you to take yourself. Ushers will use long-handle baskets for the collection. A collection basket will also be at the exit for special or additional contributions.
  • You enter the Pavilion at the normal entrance. There will be a seating pattern to maintain proper social distancing. All Mass attendees will be seated according to the parish seating plan by an Usher. People living together in a house may be seated together in “double chairs”. Please do not move the chairs.
  • You are encouraged to participate in the prayer responses and to listen meditatively to sung prayers and hymns. Simply enjoy being in the presence of the Lord and one another.
  • For Communion, persons will come forward in a single line up the center aisle or the pavers aisle to the Celebrant, designated at six-foot intervals. Follow the Usher’s instructions for the procession. Masks are worn in the Communion line and then lowered while in line before approaching the Communion Minister. After receiving Communion, the mask is raised immediately. Communion will be received in the hand only.
  • An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will distribute Holy Communion to those listening to Mass in the overflow area/parking lot. Follow the Usher or Parking and Traffic Minister’s instructions for the procession and six-foot distancing. Masks are worn in the Communion line and then lowered while in line before approaching the Communion Minister. After receiving Communion, the mask is raised immediately. Communion will be received in the hand only.
  • There will be two (2) exits to be used. People seating in the main pavilion area will exit by the entrance. Those seated in the pavers area will exit by the door in front towards the sacristy trailer. The Usher will instruct each row to leave at the appropriate time to maintain distancing. Please do not congregate at the exits.

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